DC的超级英雄系列很多都不是本世纪的,所以会引用一些几十年前的老歌,都 超 超 超 好听
《My Name Is Carnival》——《小丑》
I've seen your face in every place that I'll be goin' 我将要去的每一处地方都看见过你的身影
I read your words like black hungry birds read every sowin' 我读着你说过的话,像饥饿的寒鸦读着每一粒撒下的种子
Rise and fall 升起又落下
Spin and call 飞旋着呼喊
And my name is carnival 我的名字是卡尼瓦尔(“狂欢节”之意)
Sad music in the night 黑夜里悲伤的音乐
Sings a scream of light out of chorus 从合唱中迸发出一束光的呐喊
And voices you might hear 你也许会听见
Appear and disappear in the forest 森林里时隐时现的细语
Short and tall throw the ball 高高低低地掷出你的皮球
And my name is carnival 我的名字是卡尼瓦尔
Strings of yellow tears 一串串金黄的眼泪
Drip from black-wired fears in the meadow 从铁线缠绕的恐惧中滴落在草地
And their white halos spin 它们雪白的光环
With an anger that is thin 在轻易化作悲伤的
And turns to sorrow 迷蒙的愤怒中旋转
King of all 万物之王
Hear me call 听我号令
Hear my name 我的名字
Carnival 叫卡尼瓦尔
Here there is no law 这里没有任何法律
But the arcade's penny claw hanging empty 只有空荡荡悬挂着的娃娃机的爪子
The painted laughing smile 涂抹着油彩的微笑或大笑的脸
And the turning of the style 还有变幻无穷的时尚
Do not envy 不要心生嫉妒
And the small 孩子们
Can steal the ball 会夺走你手里的皮球
To touch the face of carnival 并轻触卡尼瓦尔的脸颊
The fat woman frowns 冲着着魔般走动着的
At screaming frightened clowns 恐惧地尖叫的小丑
That move enchanted 胖女人皱起了眉头
And a shadow lie and waits 而一个影子
Outside your iron gates 带着已被承诺的许愿
With one wish granted 静候在你的铁门之外
Colours fall 油彩褪去
Throw the ball 扔出皮球
Play the game of carnival 来玩狂欢节的游戏
Without a thought of size 毫不关心危险的大小
You come to hypnotize the danger 你径直走来将它催眠
The world that comes apart 分崩离析的世界
Has no single heart 是个无心的空壳
When life is stranger 而生活却变得愈发陌生
Wheel and call 旋转又呼喊
Clawed dreams all 梦境抓住一切
In the name of carnival 以卡尼瓦尔之名

这首歌词极其漂亮,又有点忧伤,电影里的旋律刚出现我就跪了,循环到我神经过敏发作……同片里的《White Room》也不错。
《All Along the Watchtower》——《守望者》 http://music.163.com/song?id=5042280&userid=119841517
There must be some kind of way out of here “一定有路能离开这儿,”
said the joker to the thief 小丑对贼说,
There's too much confusion 有太多的困惑
I can't get no relief 想不清楚。
Businessen they (uh) drink my wine 商人喝我的酒
Plowman dig my earth 农民挖我的地
None will level on the vine 没人能超越认知
Nobody of it is worth 理解其价值何在
Hey hey 嘿 嘿
No reason to get excited (uh) (huh) 没理由激动的
The thief he kindly spoke 贼温和地说道
There are many here among us (uh) 我们中有许多人觉得
who feel that life is but a joke 生活不过是个玩笑
But uh 但是啊
but you and I we been through that 但是你和我,我们已经超脱
And this is not our fate 我们的命运不该这样,
So let us not talk falsely now 现在就别再空讲了
The hour's getting late 时候已经不早
Hey 嘿
Ooh All along the watchtower 噢 沿着瞭望塔啊
Princes kept their view 王子们注视着远方
while all the women came and went 所有的女人熙熙攘攘
Barefoot servants too 赤脚仆人亦在其间
Well uh 好吧
ooh Outside in the cold distance 噢 凛裂的远方之外
a wildcat did growl 一只野猫在低声吼叫
Two riders were approaching 两个骑士渐行渐近
and the wind began to howl 而狂风怒号
也是神歌词,毕竟原唱鲍勃迪伦,诺奖级歌词 非常带感。 同样推荐同张专的《Hallelujah》 *另外同专的《Pruit Igoe & Prophecie》和莫扎特的安魂曲我也巨喜欢,就是感觉可能大家接受程度不高……
顺遍安利隔壁漫威《逆转未来》的《Time in a Bottle》
如果真的有人要看的话可以先走p站https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/82063685 ,以及我的微博小号@魔王私用小骑士)(都是黑魂相关)