2.Galen crew
in the year of our lord 1239
there once lived a girl of a royal linethe ancient stories do recall ? she was the fairest of them all in a castle made of stone every night she slept alone any noise that would raise the dead couldn't wake her sleepyhead a stranger came from a foreign land asking for the maiden's hand her father said no go away she's gonna marry a king one day the stranger he came back again riding with 10 thousand men Their battle cries filled all with dread but couldn't wake her sleepyhead the fighting lasted all day long but the castle walls were thick and strong the stranger cried let her decide where her true affections lie so the king knocked on her door only you can end this war no one knows how the story ends did she ever wake again? will she ever wake again?
5.推荐理由:[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)]这首sleepyhead的背景故事,应该是出自《尼伯龙根之歌》大约作于1200年,作者为某不知名的奥地利骑士。分上下两部,讲的是尼德兰王子齐格弗里德早年曾杀死巨龙,占有尼伯龙根族的宝物。他爱慕勃艮第国王巩特尔的妹妹克里姆希尔特并向她求婚。放空的时候跟着哼,特别上口,没事哼哼,没事哼哼,语言通俗,故事性强,这个歌手的其他歌曲其实也有些不错,推荐大家听听 |