1.音乐名称: Husavik - My Home Town (胡薩維克-我的家鄉)
2.演唱者: Molly Sandén (莫莉·桑登)
All by myself 獨自一人
With this great big world before me 眺望色彩斑斕的世界
But it's all for someone else 一心想著故鄉的伊人
I've tried and tried again 我反覆練習
To let you know just where my heart is 只為將這真摯歌聲傳達給你
To tell the truth and not pretend 直抒胸臆 不再偽裝
All I needed was to get away 直到我逃離這一切
Just to realise that I was meant to stay 才發覺自己早就擁有全世界
Where the mountains sing through the screams of seagulls 當海鳥為我高歌 山裡的精靈同我共舞
Where the whales can live 'cause they're gentle people 溫馴的鯨魚與我徜徉在海洋
In my hometown, my hometown 那兒便是我的家鄉 我可愛的家鄉
Thought I made it clear, do I have to say it? 若是你聽不見 請容許我喚醒
It was always there, we just didn't see it 那潛藏在內心深處的聲音
All I need is you and me and my home 願響徹雲霄的歌聲 能將這份愛傳達給世人
Vera með þér, með þér 和你手牽手齊聲唱
Í Húsavík við Skjálfanda 冰島北方的小鎮
Í heimabærinn minn 是我美麗的家鄉
You want the world (Want the world) 你想征服這世界
All the neon lights and billboards 居住在多彩多姿的大都會
To be seen and to be heard (Heard) 不甘才華就此埋沒
And I followed you (Ooh-ooh) 而我願追隨你左右
But now I know what makes me happy 直到掌握幸福的法則 我才發覺愛一直都在
And I can tell you feel it too 而你一定也知道
Where the mountains sing through the screams of seagulls 當海鳥為我高歌 山裡的精靈同我共舞
Where the whales can live 'cause they're gentle people 溫馴的鯨魚與我徜徉在海洋
In my hometown, my hometown 那兒便是我的家鄉 我可愛的家鄉
Where the northern lights burst out in colours 當北極光越過重重阻礙 綻放絢麗色彩
And the magic nights surpass all others 將曙光劃破天際 照亮黑夜與大地
Það eina sem ég þrái er, að vera 願響徹雲霄的歌聲 能將這份愛傳達給世人
Vera með þér (Vera með þér), með þér (Vera með þér) 我們手牽手齊聲唱
Í Húsavík við Skjálfanda 冰島北方的小鎮
My home, my hometown 是我的家鄉
看NETFLIX歐洲歌唱大賽:火焰傳說時聽到的該電影原創曲, 聽著很減壓, 描述一個小女子衝出國際用歌聲傳頌對家鄉的情, 以此為傲, 電影雖然有點亂來, 但這很感人呢, 而且歌曲尾段的飄高音很好聽! 勵志歌曲可加入到曲單, 當情緒低落時準備聽一聽, 可以為自己打氣加油, 希望大家試聽一下, 喜歡這個歌曲!
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