游戏名:My Soldiers 官网:Itch or Patreon 版本:1.01 语言:英文 简介:My Soldiers places you in the role of a soldier who's new to a post near the border, you are gonna meet three soldiers here. So "My Soldiers" tells a story that happens in this small post with these guys. These guys have different personalities, There are 3 routes and over 100 CGs in all. Contains mature content, 18 and older only.
《我的士兵》让你扮演一个士兵的角色一个刚到边境附近哨所的士兵,你将在这里遇到三个士兵。《我的士兵》讲述了一个发生在这篇小帖子里的故事。这些人有不同的个性,总共有3条路线和100多个cg。包含成熟内容,仅限18岁及以上。 注意:我只找到了1.01版本的,现在最新是1.02版本,本来想着尝试汉化一下,但是文本实在太多了,毕竟才接触汉化这一方面,所以就放弃了,英文的将就看吧 下载(MEGA):戳我