*于15/5/22 23:40 补救帖子完成。如果有带给大家什么不便先抱歉惹
今天想跟各位分享的是我前几天完成的英文练习…我听到有人在吐槽发英文练习上论坛是什么奇葩操作了。别急别急,先等我说完嘛~ 小弟这次的英文练习作业,是导师要求我们要使用一些由她规定必须使用到的英文词汇或短句(下文里用红字标注的)来完成一篇对话文章。 一开始呢,小弟我是完全想不到该怎么开始下手写的,但突然之间脑中串过一道电波(艾伦利用尤米尔通道隔空传输记忆),使我忽然想起《进击的巨人》这部作品,于是把文章里的两位角色幻想成艾伦和莱纳的互动后,灵感就开始源源不绝地涌现,最后导致我开始动指后就停不下来了啊啊!最终就产出了这篇塞了满满《进巨》梗和彩蛋的半(?艾莱同人文?
最终觉得写出来的东西雀实(自认)有点意思,感觉只有自己一个人看有点不过瘾,于是再稍微修改了点原文后(毕竟原文是要呈交的作业不能乱来嘛) ,就把这篇文章分享上来论坛这里,让大家当作一个睡前读物之类的乐一乐吧。那么就请看下文: 备注:
*黑色字体:作业原文(小弟英文没有很好,如果文章里有什么语法错误之类的,还请英文大佬看了不要脑溢血) *红色字体:作业里被要求使用的英文词汇或短句。中文翻译里增加了一些注释,大家可以顺便学点英文(? *英文段落下方有附上小弟那极不专业的瞎JB中文翻译。因为是非常咸鱼的翻译,所以让论坛里的英文大佬见笑了的话不好意思惹。 Conversation between two old friends (两个昔日好友的对话)
Eren hit someone’s shoulder while walking in the shopping mall. 艾伦在商场里逛街的时候不小心撞到了某人。
Eren : Ouch! I’m so sorry, are you okay? 艾伦:噢!抱歉,你没事吧?来颗溜溜梅?
Reiner : Uhm…I’m fine, except your shoe is treading on mine. 莱宝:嗯…我没啥大事,但你的鞋踩(踩在某样东西上面)我脚上了。
Eren : !!! I didn’t mean to step on you, I apologise for that! 艾伦:!!!我不是故意要踩你脚的,真的很抱歉!
Reiner : Haha, I didn’t mind it. By the way, the way you act rings a bell for me. That reminds me of one of my classmates in my highschool. 莱宝:哈,没事儿宝贝。对了,你的行为举止倒是提醒了我(提醒了…某件事)。你可让我想起了我高中的某个同学呀。
Eren : Wait for a second, are you…Reiner from AOT high school? 艾伦:桥豆麻袋,你是…进击高中的莱纳?
Reiner : How do you…Ohh…I remember! It's you,my friend, Eren! What a turn-up for the book! I haven’t seen you in ages since we graduated from our high school. But now we just meet so randomly. And look at you! You have changed your haircut from short to long hair. No wonder I can’t recognize youat the first sight.Your haircut does remind me of Aeron Yeagers, the character from the Netflix show “Aiming Out Titanus” ! 莱宝:你怎么…噢!我想起了!是你,我的朋友,艾伦!多么意外的惊喜啊!自从我们都从高中毕业之后,我已经好久一段时间都没见过你啦。没想到我们今天那么巧地就重聚了。再瞧瞧你!你已经留了好一头长发呀。不怪得我第一眼没把你给认出来啦。你这发型可真是让我想起了那部网飞出品的影视剧《紧急的巨霸》里的角色—艾连.叶戈尔!
Eren : Hey…hey calm down Reiner, you have turned up your voice so loud! We’re still in the mall, so you should turn down the volume of your voice…and stop shaking me like I'm a roly-poly! That’s so lame! I felt like I had eaten some stale food and I’m gonna vomit on you soon if you keep on shaking! 艾伦:喂…喂!莱纳你冷静点,你的大嗓子提高得太大声了!别忘了我们还在商场里啊,所以拜托把你的声量给降一降(降低)…还有,别再像在玩不倒翁一样疯狂摇晃我了!这很荒谬(或不酷、不好)!我觉得我好像吃了不新鲜(馊掉)的食物那样。如果你再继续摇晃我,我就要把彩虹给吐到你身上了!
Reiner : Oops, It’s my bad and I have to own up for that. Sorry, haha. I’m just too surprised and happy to see you again. 莱宝:噢…我的错,这我得承认(承认自己有罪、无知。失责。无能)。抱歉了,欸嘿。我只是因为能够再次见到而感到过于惊喜和高兴了。
Eren : Ok…ok. Why don't you take a good seat before we start to reminisce about our old days? 艾伦:好的…好的。但在我们继续畅谈往事前,不如...莱纳,你坐阿。(眼神暗示)
Reiner : That sounds good! 莱宝:好。(坐)
After they both found a seat, they started to talk about their past for a long time. (在他们两人都找到了座位后,他们一起回忆起往日时光,谈了好长一段时间。)
Eren : ...Ya. Speaking of my last company, I really can't put up with my last boss. He was the type of person who is so fussy and gets pissed off easily. He can always find the employee who makes a fuss about him. He also keeps acting like he’s a posh person although he’s not that well off. If you ask me, I was so reluctant when I was working under him and I felt like I really wanted to get him back so badly at that time. 艾伦:…对啊。说起我的旧公司,我真的是忍受(与不愉快、喜欢的人事物打交道)不了我的前老板啊。他的为人是那种难以取悦(不易满足)且容易被激怒(感到非常愤怒)的类型。而且也不知道为啥,他总是可以找到在背后偷偷说他坏话(投诉,抱怨某人)的员工。再说了,他也总是喜欢把自己包装成一个上流高贵的人士,尽管...他实际上并不是那么地富有(不限于金钱方面)。如果你问我的话,我其实真的很不情愿(或不开心…在某件事上)在他的部门底下工作啊,有的时侯我甚至想过来给他点教训(或复仇)瞧瞧。
Reiner : Oh, no wonder I have heard that your company has such a high turnover of staff. I even saw that there’s a large number of workers, wearing colossal red T-shirts and crowding in front of your company, making some rumbling noices to go on strike, like just a few weeks ago. I think I won’t be able to cope with this type of boss too, after listening to your speech. 莱宝:噢,难怪我老是听说你公司员工的流动率(1.员工的替换、理智、更动率 2.公司在一段的收入总数)很高。几周前我还看到有好大一群工人,穿着超巨型的红色衬衫群居在你的公司前,搞出了如地鸣般的声响在罢工抗议。听你这么一说,我觉得如果换做是我,我也忍受(容忍)不了这样的惯老板呢。
Eren : Ha! to tell you secretly, actually the person who led those workers to go on strike, was me. 艾伦:哈!偷偷告诉你,那个带领穿着超大型制服的工人一起罢工抗议搞地鸣的元凶,其实就是我。
Reiner : Seriously? No way! You are not that type of troublemaker when you’re still in school! How surprising! 莱宝:你说啥???别瞎JB扯淡了!一眼丁真,你还在高中那会儿可不像是会搞出这种麻烦事来的人阿!太让人意外了吧!
Eren : I think the time and the real society have changed me so much. I bet you will do the same things as me if you had been there, done that. Because I felt like we’re the same type of person since our school days, although you were the captain of the American football team while I’m just a nerd at that time, I think. 艾伦:我觉得在经过了时间和现实社会的洗礼之下,我被改变了很多吧。我赌你如果经历了和我一样的事,你也会像我那么做的。因为我从上学那时起就觉得,我和你是果然是一样的阿。虽然那时的你可是颇有人气的橄榄球队的队长,而我只是个路人书呆子罢了。
Reiner : Well, As far as I’m concerned, I agree with what you say. By the way, If the worst comes to the worst and if all else fails, you can come work with my company – Marley CO. 莱宝:嗯,依我看,我雀实很难不同意你说的话。话说,如果你做的一切努力都还是改变不了什么的话,实在不行你可以跳槽来我公司,马莱啊。
Suddenly, Reiners’ phonestarted to go off. 突然,莱纳的手机铃声响了(或指事情变得糟糕)
Reiner : Oh Eren, I’m sorry to say that, but I have to leave now, even though we're in the middle of chatting. My mom is calling me to fetch my little cousins, Gabi and Falco. 莱宝:噢…艾伦,虽然我们正聊到兴头上,但很遗憾地告诉你,我现在得离开了,我妈打来通知我,让我去接我亲戚家那两只小兔崽子—假币和法颚可。
Eren : Hey, before you leave, How ’bout we exchange our contact numbers? So we can keep in touch afterthis. 艾伦:嘿,在你走之前不先留个联络方式吗?我们下次可以再一起约出来Van♂啊。
Reiner : Oh…Yaya. I almost forgot about it. Here it is. 莱宝:噢…对对对,你不说的话我都差点把它给忘了。来,我手机号在这。
They both exchangedtheir phone nunbers. 他们交换了彼此的联络号码。
Reiner : Ha, as far as luck would have it we have such a handy method to keep us in touch. Don’t you agree? Anyway, I hope to see you soon, goodbye! 莱宝:哈,多么幸运啊(或指发生某些意料之外的好事),我们现在有着如此 实用方便(或指在…附近、靠近)的联络工具。你不这么觉得吗?不管怎么说,希望我们下次还能再见吧!回见~
Eren : Bye there Reiner. 艾伦:掰掰了您咧莱纳。
最后,希望点了进来本贴文的各位能够回个帖,好让小弟好完成每月任务呀~ 如果喜欢这篇贴文的话也欢迎点个免费的追随或堕落支持一下小弟~您的支持是小弟继续编辑和发表优质贴文的动力来源呀,感恩了~