然后索性去翻了翻官网的铁牛介绍 性格也蛮对胃口的呢
The Iron Bull is casual, friendly, and confident. There are very few things in the world that he can’t kill if he needs to, which puts him at ease most of the time. He’s got no need to compete with anyone or prove himself, and he doesn’t need his ego stroked. What he does need are people he can trust to watch his back and friends he can laugh with. After surviving years of ugly, nasty fighting, The Iron Bull has learned not to take anything too seriously. Unless it involves demons.
擅长打架又耿直 开朗又值得信赖
死敌是恶魔 原因更是至萌
The Iron Bull sees demons attacking innocent people, and he wants to help
这么可爱的大男生 就算不能推到 我也要一直带在身上!