The blooming flower, raindrops in June
Four leaved clover, can't find anywhere
So this the song I wrote for you
Can you hear me, I wish you happy life
Ooh walking in a sunny park
Ooh looking for the happy leaves
The rhythms are like heart beats from my heart
Can you feel this beat
Did you know I'm in love with you for ever after
The blooming flower, raindrops in June
Four leaved clover, can't find anywhere
So this the song I wrote for you
Can you hear me, can't you hear me
The waters for a wind it grills like a wave
Four leaved clover
Can't find anywhere
So this is the song I wrote for you
Can you hear, I wish you happy life
Ooh- walking in a sunny park
Ooh- looking for the happy leaves
The rhythms are like heart beats from my heart
Can you feel this beat
Did you know I'm in love with you for ever after
The blooming flower, raindrops in June
Four leaved clover, Can't find anywhere
So this is the song I wrote for you
Can you hear, Can't you hear me
The waters for a wind it grills like a wave
Four leaved clover, Can't find anywhere
So this is the song I wrote for you
Can you hear, I wish you happy life
The rhythms are like heart beats from my heart
Can you feel this beat
Did you know I'm in love with you for ever after
The blooming flower, raindrops in June
Four leaved clover
Can't find anywhere
So this is the song I wrote for you
Can you hear, Can't you hear me
The wall for a wind it grills like a wind
Four leaved clover, Can't find anywhere
So this is the song I wrote for you
Can you hear, I wish you happy life
虽然这首歌在油管上还挺冷门的,播放量也没破千,没想到b站也有同好做了搬运。当时可能是随油管自己推荐播放的时候听到了这首歌,立刻就爱上了。我伤心难过的时候经常会听,舒缓的音乐配上甜美的嗓音,心情会好很多,歌词也很治愈,特别是最后一句 I wish you happy life。我听歌一般不看歌手,只听自己喜欢的旋律,不过感兴趣的朋友可以看一下b站上传者写的简介里的作者介绍。