Standard Edition (Non-Lore):
Use this version to get quick access to Reforestation spells so you can use them right away.
The spells can be acquired from two (2) easy-to-find locations:
1. All spell books can be found in the Breezehome in Whiterun inside the chest in the player's bedroom.
2. In case you don't own Breezehome yet, you can purchase the spellbooks from Farengar in the Dragonsreach for 1 septim a piece.
Lore Edition:
This version integrates the acquisition of Reforestation spells with the vanilla quest "The Blessings of Nature".
They can only be acquired from the Eldergleam Sanctuary upon completion of the quest with one of the conditions only.
To get the Quest, you have to speak with Danica Purespring in the Temple of Kynareth in Whiterun. You will be asked to get the Nettlebane and to go to the Eldergleam sanctuary. Once you get to the Eldergleam tree, you have to choose to cut the tree to extract the sap. The Reforestation spell tomes can then be looted from the treasure chest beside the Eldergleam tree. By sacrificing the Eldergleam tree, you now claim its magical ability to enhance forest growth for your own - thus you'll get the powers of the Reforestation Spells. You won't get the Reforestation spells if you chose not to cut the Eldergleam tree.
我汉化了version 1.0a和version 1.0b2版。自己看着下吧,纯esp,主体需要去N网下载。