【猫咪合唱团】tsweez - I Hate It Here - Taylor Swift cover
本帖最后由 2297988 于 2024-11-8 02:27 编辑翻唱链接:点我
附上the lakes的链接:点我
What will you do when you feel like I don't belong here?
For me it's always to disappear.
This once I have nothing to share
Darling, dear dear you and me there is nothing to fear...
Take me to the lakes...and live like a deer当你感到不再属于此地,你将如何应对?
Quick, quick快告诉我吧
Tell me something awful告诉我一些骇人听闻的事
Like you are a poet就好比你是一位诗人
Trapped inside the body of a finance guy却困囿于金融人士的躯壳
Tell me all your secrets尽数吐露你的秘密吧All you'll ever be is你于我而言
My eternal consolation prize终究只是永恒不变的安慰奖
You see I was a debutant你瞧 平行时空里
In another life, but我曾是初次亮相的名媛 可
Now I seem to be scared to go outside如今的我 竟害怕走出家门
If comfort is a construct若是舒适与安逸只是抽象的构想
I don't believe in good luck那么我也不再相信所谓的幸运
Now that I know what's what而现在 我看清了真相
I hate it here so I will go to在我的心灵深处 有一座秘密花园
Secret gardens in my mind那是我避世离俗的栖息之所
People need a key to get to外人无法踏足
The only one is mine唯有我持有 那片净土的钥匙
I read about it in a book when I was a precocious child年少早慧的我 在书中读到过它的存在
No mid-sized city hopes and small-town fears免去庸碌都市不上不落的希望 亦无闭塞小城镇的保守与恐惧
I'm there most of the year 'cause I hate it here我常年隐居在那儿 因为我厌恶尘世的喧嚣
I hate it here我厌恶当下的纷扰
My friends used to play a game where朋友从前热衷于穿越时空的游戏
We would pick a decade挑一个年代
We wished we could live in instead of this幻想回到过去 暂别当下的种种不如意
I'd say the 1830s but without all the racists and getting married off for the highest bid而我青睐十九世纪三十年代 但前提是剔除种族歧视 弃去为利益联姻的糟粕
Everyone would look down每每说出这想法 换来众人的嗤之以鼻
'Cause it wasn't fun now毕竟那个年代毫无乐趣
Seems like it was never even fun back then如今看来 所谓美好的旧时光也早已褪色
Nostalgia is a mind's trick往昔披着怀旧的滤镜 不过是心灵骗局
If I'd been there, I'd hate it若当真回到过去 我定会生厌
It was freezing in the palace偌大的宫殿 想必寒气逼人
I hate it here so I will go to厌倦尘世纷扰
Lunar valleys in my mind我便遁入心间月谷秘境
When they found a better planet比当下更美好的星球问世
Only the gentle survived唯有温柔得以存续
I dreamed about it in the dark漆黑绝望的夜里 我梦见过那片净土
The night I felt like I might die仿若濒死之际 却瞥见一线生机
No mid-sized city hopes and small-town fears免去庸碌都市不上不落的希望 亦无闭塞小城镇的保守与恐惧
I'm there most of the year 'cause I hate it here我常年隐居在那儿 因为我厌恶尘世的喧嚣
I hate it here我厌恶当下的纷扰
I'm lonely, but I'm good身旁孤独相伴 却也怡然自得
I'm bitter, but I swear I'm fine心中愤懑作祟 可我坚称无恙
I'll save all my romanticism for my inner life and I'll get lost on purpose满腔浪漫主义珍藏心底 执意迷失在自我构建的殿堂
This place made me feel worthless这世俗之地叫我自觉一无是处
Lucid dreams like electricity, the current flies through me and in my fantasies I rise above it而清醒梦境有如电流 穿过我的思绪 幻想国度里 我得以解脱升华
And way up there, I actually love it挣脱现实的桎梏 我由衷地爱着那高远的彼岸
I hate it here so I will go to在我的心灵深处 有一座秘密花园
Secret gardens in my mind那是我避世离俗的栖息之所
People need a key to get to外人无法踏足
The only one is mine唯有我持有 那片净土的钥匙
I read about it in a book when I was a precocious child年少早慧的我 在书中读到过它的存在
No mid-sized city hopes and small-town fears免去庸碌都市不上不落的希望 亦无闭塞小城镇的保守与恐惧
I'm there most of the year 'cause I hate it here我常年隐居在那儿 因为我厌恶尘世的喧嚣
I hate it here我厌恶当下的纷扰
Quick, quick快告诉我吧
Tell me something awful告诉我一些骇人听闻的事
Like you are a poet就好比你是一位诗人
Trapped inside the body of a finance guy却困囿于金融人士的躯壳
remix with the lakeshttps://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1guYYeQEhH/?spm_id_from=333.337.search-card.all.click
【猫咪合唱团】 时大佬深夜翻唱霉霉的歌很努力惹:$这深沉的声音还是很好听:$ 喔⊙ω⊙这首节奏偏快哇~词也挺密集的~吼(´×ω×`)背景乐听着蛮温馨向上的,没想到歌词这么……i人的?
看不懂第一段的英文诶(´×ω×`)英语学渣熊猫,悲 这首歌曲的翻唱也是特别迷人了 泰勒总是有某些歌很能触动心弦呢,比如You're On Your Own, Kid,同时楼主的翻唱也很强哦。 时佬每次翻唱都很高质量惹 好听惹{:6_179:}想被这个声音粗口惹{:6_179:}闭上眼睛就感觉已经吃到噜 感觉这首的歌词很复杂啊,要在这个世界找到自己的容身之处很不容易。 钢琴弹唱好厉害,就是运镜好晕 重点是没有亲爱的带咱去如鹿般悠闲地生活啊{:6_164:} 自己也不太明白Taytay是詩人或是商人呢, 之後慢慢再來看囉:loveliness: 声音很好听,翻唱的质量很厉害了 很温柔的歌,楼主的嗓音低沉反而更显温柔了 大佬的翻唱一直都很有自己的feel 苦难诗社的歌?好家伙这首歌我之前没听过~不过我去电影院看过泰勒世界巡回大电影~
把霉霉的歌翻唱的这么稳而且好听真的不容易~ 0-0 大佬独特的低沉嗓音 让歌曲除了对当下环境的厌倦外 感觉更加加重了对内心宁静的追逐的淡然 原唱我听着有一种,在呼唤着的感觉,有一种想说但是还在唱的意犹未尽的感觉~大佬的翻唱感觉唱腔和情感方面更低沉浓厚一些,和原唱有些听感上的差异(都很好听!我都可以_(:з」∠)_