本帖最后由 pippo0423 于 2022-10-15 00:27 编辑Ergi relationships have three endings per character. Most of them do not share the same views as Old World (modern) relationships. To build relationships with your LI, you need to understand their worldviews and what motivates them.
Each character has a default relationship path. To unlock an alternative relationship outcome, you might need to support a certain political position, or have enough relationship attributes to unlock them.
每个角色都有默认的关系路线,要解锁另一类关系结局你就要支持某种政治立场GUT SOCIAL PASSIONATE,或者需要足够的关系点数来解锁ADMIRATION AFFECTION ATTRACTION。例如基于官方个人攻略好像ERLAND无脑选PASSIONATE,KIRK无脑选SOCIAL。
E.g. By default, Henrik's motivation to take on a boy lover is to groom a successor.
Ergi relationships have three endings per character. Most of them do not share the same views as Old World (modern) relationships. To build relationships with your LI, you need to understand their worldviews and what motivates them.
Each character has a default relationship path. To unlock an alternative relationship outcome, you might need to support a certain political position, or have enough relationship attributes to unlock them.
每个角色都有默认的关系路线,要解锁另一类关系结局你就要支持某种政治立场GUT SOCIAL PASSIONATE,或者需要足够的关系点数来解锁ADMIRATION AFFECTION ATTRACTION。例如基于官方个人攻略好像ERLAND无脑选PASSIONATE,KIRK无脑选SOCIAL。
E.g. By default, Henrik's motivation to take on a boy lover is to groom a successor.
The above picture is a deviant ending for him, where he is no longer under pressure to find a successor or to conform to Alfheimr laws/norms (by marrying 2 girls and 2 boys). Likewise, if you want to pursue a monogamous, old world romance with him (2nd CG), you must support the right political positions/and have the right attributes to unlock them.
This will give you a sense of the story path you want to take and how to develop your Britt's attributes.
Character default relationship endings
Old world/modern default
These character stories are based on romantic relationships that we are familiar with
Kirk & Ralf (romantic monogamous relationship)
Erland (casual/open relationship)
Kirk和Ralf 单配偶浪漫关系
Erland 非正式开放性关系
New world/historical default
Some of the character stories are based on pre-Christian/pre-modern relationships before gay as a separate sexual identity even exists. They have been around longer in human history than our modern idea of romance and sexual identities (only in the last 50-100 years).
Henrik/Anders (pederast relationship - an older man takes in a boy as part of his education and political grooming). While the relationship is passionate, it is not necessarily seen as romantic. The relationship ends when the boy becomes an established adult (like Ralf).
Borge/Anders (sacred brotherhood - male warriors bond sexually to enhance their bond in combat). Passionate, but not necessarily romantic too. The relationship ends when the men retires from army.
Jorgen (Fraternal polyandry - brothers sharing wives for practical/resource reasons)
Jostein (Two spirit wife - Taking on a secondary 'two spirit' wife for child-raising, resource or even as status symbols)
Henrik和Anders 基于古希腊的少年爱,成年男子收养一个小男孩来教育和政治培养,两人充满激情的关系并不需要是浪漫的。两人的关系也会在男孩成为成熟的男人后而终结(类似故事中的Henrik和Ralf)。
Borge和Anders 基于神圣的兄弟情,男人之间通过平时的互相慰藉来增强战斗中的默契。充满激情也不一定是浪漫的关系,两人最终也会因为退伍而结束这段关系。
Jorgen 基于兄弟间的一妻多夫制,兄弟间出于客观原因或者财力原因而分享同一个妻子的关系。
Jostein 基于双灵配偶,为了抚养孩子或者财力和身份的象征而娶一个同事拥有男性和女性性格的配偶。
Deviant default
Tyr (Relationship with him is unique, you will have to find out what works for him)
Tyr 基于独特的关系,需要找到适合他的处事方法。
看的我眼花缭乱,很详细,谢谢分享 楼主是Vanir大佬吗{:6_194:}
好像说主线有3个结局,每个角色有3个结局,不知道到最后会不会变成每个角色3x3=9个结局,如果是的话感觉也太麻烦了。。。而且第三章还有技能树{:6_180:}感觉此游戏的复杂度已经超出了一般黄油 谢谢大佬,感谢风险,就是下次把字调大一点就好了 看作者好像说游戏会有9章?结局剧情可有的等了 海王寄,单推人强行上线,
一个劲的存档也变得毫无意义了{:6_164:} 好复杂的样子{:6_167:}自己玩的话也太难了 非常感谢,个人非常喜欢这个游戏的画面和音效。 作为一个黄油系统太复杂了{:6_180:}打起来看得脑袋大 自己玩的话也太难了,所以... 謝謝分享~~真心覺得這遊戲的作者很有想法
現下知道在結局上還會細分這麼多因素~看來想要真正了解這遊戲可能不只要玩一輪才行XD:funk: 这个游戏真的好难,加上一直没有翻译,全程打的我是云里雾里 右二我真的好可以惹,但是看到如此长的指南。。。我只能说黄油果然最好不要太硬核;P 感谢分享,游戏系统确实挺复杂,有了攻略就知道每条线路应该怎么推了 这游戏真心不简单,后续还要有更新 阿这感觉不看攻略过不了的游戏+1,剧情感觉还可以,就是攻略要好长时间啊 目前应该还没完结吧? 是预计会有的结局?
喔不...都想看攻略照着打了(哭 感谢分享,看上去好复杂,自己要打通这游戏,感觉要高情商啊 感谢大佬分享。这个太详细了。感觉自己要打通这个游戏可能难度太高了。 感覺好像挺複雜的:funk:,有拆包漢化過,但進去玩後覺得不太適合我:L